Monday, May 28, 2012

First impressions

Everybody says first impressions are always important. They can make a huge impact on the level of respect people will give you.

But are first impressions really that important? Are they accurately factual? Or just a mere impulsive thought we give a person when we first take notice of them?

We probably couldn't avoid having first impressions of other people, maybe it's even human nature to. Even I have first impressions of other people.

Why am I suddenly writing about this topic? Well, it's just that there are recently so many instances that my first impressions were really inaccurate. I mean, I see a person, and when I get to have a proper conversation with them, they usually are completely opposite of what I first thought.

I'd see a buff guy that seem to give off an intimidating aura, but when I get to talk to him, I realize how pleasantly friendly he is.

I seem to see a girl who looks like an all-around party girl, but then when I get to know her, she's actually very entertaining and accommodating.

It's like I surprise myself. You really wouldn't know a person until you get to talk to them face-to-face. Sure, they can only say what they choose to say, and do what they think is safe for their reputation, but the mere fact that they were completely far from what I thought they'd be.

I don't think I'm being judgmental at first, or I'm trying to stereotype them. It's just that I'm curious about them But, it's like a really heartwarming feeling when you finally get to know them.

Everyone has their own depth, and merely looking at them or giving a conclusion on how they act when you first saw them, wouldn't determine that. You'd have to dig a little deeper, and give them a chance to let you explore their personality.

After all, anything can surprise us.